Willingness to Sacrifice & Promises

I keep thinking about lot of stuffs, sometimes, I kinda forgot why I think about it. :p
 I believe, when two people in love (or in friendship), they must have this feeling of "willingness to sacrifice." But it won't work if only one side choose to sacrifice ,the other side, do mostly nothing. I`ve seen this kind of things, and probably, experienced it (in friendship n relationship). It is hurt, yep, no matter how strong you are, it still hurt.
And also, keeping the promise eventho it is sound childish and small. I admit it, I`m not a type of person that can keep big promise, but I try to keep it if I can. Right now, I`m really looking for that promise of contacting each other, once in two weeks. I really really looking forward to it. Even though it is small, but that small thing is a big and give lots of meaning to me...

I wish I could turn back to July 2011, and feel that strong love...once again.

New Fic :Promise

yo~ first of all, I`m so sorry for using the characters without asking the permission from the owner. Gomen ne hontouni. I wrote this last year, most of the original characters now is not available or they`re not in the fandom world anymore,so yeah I replaced them with those who showed interest toward JUMP~ :p
Anyways~ the story is about two people, who didn't realized that they have fall for each other, and all the obstacles they have to face to achieved happiness. And also the story of their close friends and their love life.
Nothing in life is perfect. Sad story, Happy story, Heart Broken Story, Cry Story. How they actually realized they need each other to be happy.

Promise`s Characters and their Oc
Yabu KoutaxUnie Saitou
Hikaru YaotomexAmihana Kudo
Kei InooxIshikawa Yumi
Keito OkamotoxKarina Kuzuryu
Ryosuke YamadaxMira Maeda
Yuuto NakajimaxAi Koizumi
Yuri ChinenxYuki Kikuchi
Yuya Takaki
Daiki AriokaxMariya

                A love story for those who loved so much under the same sky.