Unie checked up her appearance one more time before go downstairs. This is her last day at Malaysia because her dad want to move to new place, Japan to be exact. She stroke her hair, make sure that her casual braid is fine. She let go of deep breath. She looked around.
            I`m gonna miss everything .I miss you mum. I wish you were here. She took her mum picture and bring it to her chest. She closed her eyes.
            A knock on her door brings her back to reality.
            “Unie dear, are you ready?” her dad, Saito Hiroshi ,asked.  He smiled.
            Hiroshi stepped into the room. He knows his daughter did not want to move away, but he need to. There is so much memories here, about his late wife. He sit beside Unie.
            “I know.” He paused.
Unie looked away,trying to avoid having a direct contact with her dad`s eyes.
            “This is hard, not just for you, dear. Your mother, my wife, she won’t come back. We need to continue our life. ” he touched Unie`s hand. He knows, Unie disagree with his decision to move to Japan, but it has been 3 years since his wife leave them. This is the right moment to moving on.
            “Dad…” she smiled. “I`m okay. Let`s go. I`m sure the flight won’t wait for us.” She stands. She tries to cheer up.
            Hiroshi smile. He does not know how his daughter will react after they at Japan later when she knows that she`s gonna live with someone she hate.
            “Well, first thing first. I just have tobe brave..” he whispered.
            “Dad?” Unie who already step outside the room gave him a puzzled look. “what are you murmured alone there? Aren’t you coming?” she asked.
            “Yes,yes. Let`s go.”
            Unie stomped her feets. She can’t believe where she stands right now. She still tired plus having jetlag , her dad took her to this WOMAN house.
            “Do I need to stay here?” her face shows her disagreement.
Hiroshi tries to calmed her down.
            “There is nothing wrong by staying here. Please, come inside.” Hiroshi place both hand at Uni`s shoulder, trying to make his daughter understand.
            “Anywhere but here!” she`s pouting. “Dad, please????”
Hiroshi shook his head. He need to be strict.
            “No young lady. Now, follow me and please behave.” His tone change. He goes inside Maria`s house, give sign that their argument ends here.
            “Sheesh! Why do I need to stay here? In this woman`s house.” Complaints Unie but in her lower voice, before follows her dad`s step.
            Maria welcomed them with a warm greetings. She always has the smiling face. She hugged Hiroshi, warmly. Unie rolls her eyes.
            “Yokoso! Hiroshi, hisashiburi! It`s been 3 years, right?”  she said. Her eyes goes to a natural black hair girl with casual braid. “You must be… Unie?” she goes to Unie.
            Unie took one step backward when Aunt Maria trying to hug her. She looked to her left side.
            “Oh, tsundere type, I guess?” Maria giggled. "I`m sure you can blend well with Kou-chan and Hika-chan. Or their friends."
There is nothing funny ,woman. Stop giggling! Unie ignores her.
            “Unie” Hiroshi just gave her a “behave” look. Unie sighed.
Maria smiled. “Hiroshi, daijoubu. Maybe she`s tired. Your room is upstairs, left side. It pretty easy to recognize.Please rest,okay?”
            Unie took her luggage and went upstairs. Hiroshi watch her until she is gone from his sight. He let go of deep sigh.
            “I`m sorry.”
            Maria smiled. “For what?”
            “Unieshe still…”
            “Daijoubu. I understand. ” Maria gave sign for Hiroshi to sit and enjoy the coffee.
Hiroshi nodded.
            “and about you.” She paused. “Are you sure you don’t want to stay? There is plenty of rooms here.”
Hiroshi shook.
            “Kekkou desu. I can’t stay long here. I must go to Osaka as soon as I can. Headquarters give orders already. I don’t know when I will return here.”
            “And Unie?” she asked him.
Hiroshi rubs his hair. “I will explain it to her, shortly. She might be a bit mad at me, but she will understand.” He sighs.
-Unie`s room-
            “What? You`re going to leave me here? Dad!” Unie sat at the edge of bed, crossing her arms.
            “Sweetie. This is for a while. I couldn’t bring you to Osaka with me, not today or for the time being.”
            Unie`s eyes got teary. “Anywherebut here…” she`s trying to hide her anger.
Don’t cry,stupid! Don’t be mad. He`s your father, he did this for your own good.
            Hiroshi hugs his daughter. He knows Unie dislike Maria,“I`m sorry. But I promise, when my life got better, I`ll return and take you with me. Just us, okay?” he kissed her forehead.
            “You`re going to leave soon? I`m gonna miss you,dad.” She hugs him back. Hiroshi smiled.
            “I will call you…” he paused. “always.”
            “Be a good girl, and listen to what elder says, okay?” he give advice to his daughter.
When he walked out from Unie`s room, Maria was standing outside, waiting for him. He smiled at her. “I leave her in your hand.” Maria nods.
            Unie watches her dad going downstairs with Maria. She wipes her tears.
            “I`ll miss you,dad…”
            Before she could turns back and go to her room, the door across her room opened. A tall guy with a sharp eyes, brownish hair color and charismatic coming out from his room. He rubbed his eyes, he seems like just wake up from sleep.
            Silence strikes.
            “Anata wa sozoshi desu.” He said something in Japanese, broke the silence. His face seems irritated.
            Unie stares at him, from top to bottom. His white shirt is not buttoned to his chest ,revealing his neck bone and his chest. She covers her mouth but not for long.
            “Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhh!!” she screams.

-to be continued-


  1. 1st... brape byk blog da~ cmne nk follow yg ni? x jmp butang kte follow this blog pun.. =,=

    2nd... Cite ni best~! nk join skali dok kat umah Pn Maria ni~~~!
    Cpt2 chapter 2~! ^____^

  2. kya~! i hope that i can write like you~ *pout*
