Promise#3 The Over Protecting Otouto

The footsteps flutters his heart. It stopped behind him. Slowly, he turn his back. For a moment he feel like his heart stop beating. Not once but twice. In front of him,  a young woman with a cherry red lipstick and a black and red dress with a white cardigan matching her heels, stand still. She was carelessly pretty ,with a soft and rosy skin , and a casual semi-long wavy black hair that brings out the best of her beautiful black eyes. She also wearing a beautiful key shape necklace and it wink around her neck. She is smiling , somehow still haven’t recognize him as her fiancé.
          “Unie.” Her mother calls for her. Yabu back to his self.
          “Mama,Papa. I missed you.” She said as she hug her and her father. They are having a family moment for a while before Unie`s mum take her to meet Yabu`s family.
            “Let`s meet them.” She said. Unie follows her mum.
Oh god. Help me with this. Which one of them is going to be my fiancé? Could it be the older looking guy? But he look a bit older than me, he can’t be my childhood friend. Well, another one, look very…charming. His face is like Yabu Kouta from Hey!Say!Jump, but it can’t be. Maybe there is another guy who isn’t coming, who knows. Maybe he didn’t come after all? 
Unie thought, as she see two young guy in the family. Her eyes is fixed on Yabu even she is be introduced to Momoko and Keisuke. Her round eyes blinked several times to make sure that she did not make any mistakes. While Yabu didn’t have any idea that he`s been watching.
            Unie smiles as Yabu`s mum hold her hand. She seems so happy. “What a pretty young lady you are.” She said as she look at her husband. “You was just this little the last time we meet you.” Her hand show Unie`s height that she remember 16 years ago.
            “My name is Unie. Thank you for coming to fetch me.” She bows a little. She feel grateful because they`re waiting with her family.
            “iie, it`s nothing. I can’t really wait to meet you. Besides, we`re going to be family soon.”
            That reminds Unie and Yabu about their engagement. When Yabu`s mum introduce them, both Unie and Yabu blushes. Their face were red while they shaking each other’s hand.
            “Hi.” Her voice is trembling.
            “Hey.” Same goes to Yabu.
            “Yabu Kouta? Could it be that…” she look at Yabu`s mum. She knows who is Yabu Kouta, in fact she is his big fan . Suddenly she feel both excited and curious. She is torn between meeting with her ichiban and knowing he`s going to be his fiancé.
Karina!Ami-chan!!! I`m meeting Yabu Kouta! I`m so excited!! Kyaaaakkk! Demo, both of you won’t believe if you guys know that he`s going to be my fiancé!!
 Yabu`s mum smiled.
            “Maybe you should ask him yourself if you are curious? Right?” the elders nodded. “Yabu.” She called for her son.
            “Yes, kaa-san.”
            “Why don’t you help Unie with her luggage while we waiting outside at the parking lot?” her tone is more like an order. Spontaneous their eyes meet. Unie felt like her face is burning. Her heart flutter and beat fast.  She let go of a heavy breath as she faces him.
            Silent strikes. Everyone left. Just two of them facing each other.
            “So…where is your luggage?” Yabu broke the silent. His hand touch his neck as he tries to think what should he say next.
            “My luggage is outside this cafe. But you don’t really have to help me.” Unie said.
            “Ah,sou. Daijoubu, let me help. Let`s go then.” He replies, awkwardly.
Yabu walks a bit faster than Unie after he get her luggage. Surprisingly, she didn’t brought back lots, just a couple of bags.
She really didn’t bring back lots.
He slow his step down because she can't catch him from her footstep sound. Her heels is running a bit behind him ,started to slow down and it makes his lips curve a bit. This situation seems familiar. His mind catch something.
            “There they are. I thought we have to wait much longer.” Yabu`s dad points his finger to their children.
            “It really look like 16 years ago,right? Yabu always wait for Unie so they can walk in the same rhythm.” Unie`s mum said to them.
Momoko and Keisuke stares at each other. They don’t really spend time with Saitou`s family when they were little, but they know about their brother and Unie`s childhood memories thanks to their parent. Momoko is a bit worried at first when their parent told them about the engagement, but after meeting with Unie`s parent and Unie herself, she kinda like that girl.
            “That`s all?” Unie`s dad look at luggage at Yabu`s hand.
Unie grinned. “Hai!”
            “Where is the rest?”
            “Papa, I donate them to my kyoudai at England. They need it more than me. You said I`m going to continue my studies at Japan, I have almost everything here, you and mum, I don’t need anything else.” She said.
Yabu put everything in the car. “I`m finish.” He shut the car boot.
            “Good. So, me and your mum will go with Momoko and Keisuke.” His parent go inside Keisuke`s car.
            “Me and your mum want to spend our time together in this journey.” Unie`s dad take his wife`s hand and they go to their Mercedes leaving Unie and Yabu together. “Key is inside the car already.” He shout before start the engine.
            “Wa..wait! Mama! Papa!” but none of them listen and they just leave with their car. “I don’t know how to drive.” Complaints Unie.
            “Well, let`s go. I`ll drive.” He said. He know this going to happened but he never thought it going to be this soon.
Ugh. I can't believe this. They are trolling us! Unie sighed. They left Narita International Airport after a while.
Inside the car, silent strikes again. Along the way to Omotesando*, both of them can’t find any interesting topics to talks about because of the awkwardness. Unie gazed out the windows. Finally, “Can I ask you something?”
            Yabu nodded. He try to concentrate on driving.
            “are you…” hesitates envy her. “yabu kouta….hey!say!jump…” she speak as she is whispering but loud enough for Yabu to hear and understand what she`s trying to ask.
            “Yes. I`m Yabu Kouta from Hey!Say!Jump. Do you have problem with that?” his voice change. It sound so strict.
            “No, it just… nothing.” Unie pouts and squeezed into her white cardigan . She got her answer but she had a feeling that Yabu is uncomfortable with that question.
Once again, the silent strikes.
Great. Did I just answered it with a wrong tone? Yabu curse himself for his action. He don’t really like when people ask him that question especially the one who are just meeting him.
He seems different. Maybe I shouldn’t ask that question. Maybe he don’t feel comfortable with it, plus I just meet him. He might think that I`m like other fans, who is curious about him.
            “i`m…” she still gazed outside the windows. “I`m sorry for my question earlier. I shouldn’t ask something I already know.”
Yabu coughed.  She understands my situation.
            “It`s okay. And I apologize too, for answering in a bad way.”
Unie curve a smile on her face. “hnn.”
The atmosphere is getting better between both of them, at least for now.
Prada Building
(this is a sparkling new architectural wonder next to an ancient shrine. p/s: I don’t know if the info if right or wrong, I have never step my foot in Japan.)
            Everyone is already inside Two Rooms Restaurant Bar and Grill when they arrived. Unie was stunned by the beautiful view of Tokyo. “Kirei!” she shouts. It has been a while since she come back to  Japan. Everything seems different and  beautiful. Yabu let Uie for a while. His phone rangs.
            “Moshi-moshi. Hikaru.”
            “So, how is the meeting??? How is your fiancé? Is she look like a guppy??” Hikaru attack him with lots of question. Yabu move a bit far from Unie, so she won’t listen to their conversation.
           “She is fine. I guess, much better than 16 years ago. She is fine…yeah.” He don’t know how to describes her.           
            “You like her? Come on Kou-chan, you are speechless!”
            “Urusai.” He try not to shout. “I don’t know okay? This is just a beginning, I don’t know if I like her or not. It just…” he turns and watch Unie. She seems stunned with all the lights and the fascinating of Japan.
            “It just?”
He remember at the airport, when he`s letting their footstep is in the same rhythm. It is like his habit to walk in the same harmony with someone who is close and he comfortable with . He always do it with Hikaru and Inoo, sometimes Chinen, but there is someone else. He know he did it first with Unie, 16 years ago.
            “Something…well, got to go. Let`s talk tomorrow. Jya” he click the red button.
            “Let`s go. They must have been waiting for us.”
            “Ok.” She follows him. She don’t want everyone waiting for them.
It has been decided, the engagement will be held in a week. Both Yabu and Unie meet each other with their family to deal with everything but they still haven’t had a long discussing or talk.  Both still remain silent no matter what both families try to do. 
Two days before the event.
            Unie is waiting for Yamada at Ogawamachi, currently waitng for Shinjuku Line to arrive. They are going to Kanda Yabu Soba*, their regular meeting place.
            “Onee chan!” Yamada calls for Unie. He waves at her. As soon he is closer to her, he hugs his sister. “Hisashiburi!”
            “Un, Hisashiburi ne? You look so handsome much different when we talk in Skype.” She praised him.  Yamada smiled. Both of them on their way to the Soba restaurant.
Kanda Yabu Soba
            “Okami-san!” Yamada greets the owner before she showed them their sit. “I want Tendane and give my sister Soba with eel.” He orders.
The waitress leave. Yamada takes out his phone when it vibrates. He received a text message from Chinen.
Yama-chan, docchi?
Ogawamachi. I`m on date. :p
Uso! Ne, Yuma is asking us to come to his house, again. How?
Yamada laughed.
            “Doushite?” Unie draw a confused face. Yamada suddenly laugh when he read his message.
            “Betsuni. It just my best friend texting me something funny.” He quickly replies to Chinen.
(-3-)I sense something fishy with his request! I don’t want to go!
Let`s meet later, I got something to deal with. ^_^
He turn off his phone.
            “So, I guess you already know about I`m getting engage with one of Hey!Say!Jump members, right?” Unie start the conversation while waiting for their foods.
Yamada nodded. “Why did you, agree with it? This is not like you at all, Unie-nee.”
            “I don’t want to disappoint my parent…”
            “Even you are hurting your own self?” Yamada cuts her words. He disapproved the engagement.
Unie smiled. She know Yamada would give this reaction. She let he talks.
            “I know you were going to be Yabu-kun fiancé, demo, I can’t accept that you and him going to be fiancé even though you don’t know each other! Ugh, I don’t really know what`s in Aunty and Uncle`s mind.”  He stomped his fist to the table.
            “Yabu-kun is a nice person, I know him, but I can’t believe he let his parent make this decision for him! He should at least stand for himself and just decline it. And he act like there is nothing happened , none of us know about this. He should tell us! And if I were you, Unie nee, I`ll turn it down.” he seems angry.
            The door slides. Their foods arrive. Tendane was serve infront of Yamada. His heart calms a bit when he see Shrimp Tempura Patty stays crispy in the sauce. Then the waitress put a bowl of hot soba with a tray of Cold Zaru Soba and a bowl of sauce for dipping. While Unie satisfied with her Eel Soba that have a milky in texture and a clean aftertaste.
            “I`m going to have a words with Yabu-kun.”
Unie shocked.
            “He need to answer several question before the engagement party. There is no way I`m going to let my sister engaged with some stranger. I do hope you think again about this, nee chan.” He eat his foods,calmly.
Unie shook her head. She know Yamada is a bit over protecting over her. “But what ever your decision is, I will accept it.” He continue.
            “Suit yourself. But don’t do something stupid.” She pinches his cheeks, laughing.
            “nani yo nee chan!” he rubbed his cheeks. It turn red.
            “your cheeks so soft and chubby!! Hahaha!” her hand move just like she want to pinch it again.

p/s: this is funny. I laugh when I wrote about the description of Saitou Unie`s appearances, and also when I wrote the text message between Chii and Yama-chan. I`m watching their conversation at Hey!Hey!Hey!MusicHHey!Music Champ and put it inside this fic.>w<. SPECIAL CREDITS TO NYC!!! LOVE YA!!
And as the scene between Yabu and Unie, yes, my heart flutter as it was me who meet Yabu~my idol~XDD, I`m blushing like a baka-hito!!!
Oh god, the footstep harmony…I just…>///////////<. Why did I wrote it like that? Why?????

*Omotesando : One of the most chic shopping and dining areas as well as an expensive residential area in Tokyo. It was in Jingumae,Shibuya, Tokyo Prefecture,150-0001, Japan.
*Kanda Yabu Soba : You have to walk through the Elegant Japanese Garden, until you arrive at antique place that will bring you back to the past and enter a long corridor entrance before into the Soba House. You will be greet by rustic walls, raised tatami floors and the ancient chanting by Okami-san (the owner maybe????) 2-10 Kanda Awaji-cho,Chiyoda,Tokyo Prefecture 101-0063 Japan.
Next Promise #4 : The Engagement…The Meeting of New Friends.(Part One)

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