Promise #1: Pinky Swear

They are chasing each other in the garden full with lilies and red roses. Yabu try to catch the girl but she runs to fast. Both of them were laughing .Suddenly the girl felt down to the ground. Yabu runs to get her.
            “Daijoubu??” he asked, worried. The girl wipe her tears and nodded, slowly. Yabu take a look on her hand, bleeding. “You`re bleeding.” Slowly he hold her hand and clean all the dirt. Then he put his hand to his pocket and take out an handicraft. He make it as a bandage to prevent blood coming out from the wound.    
            “Arigatou" She said. She give him a sweet smile.
            “I will always protect you.” Yabu take the girl`s hand and kiss them. “Let`s get married when we grown up, ne? Promise?” he showed her his pinky finger.
            “Un, I promise!”
The dream is getting blurry. Yabu opened his eyes, trying to avoid the sunlight from hurting his eyes. He pulled the blanket and covered his whole body. Laziness conquered himself but not for long, a knocked on the door, disturbing his sleep.
            “Kou-chan, wake up! It almost 11 a.m!” his nee chan, Momoko knocked the door.  Yabu stretched.
            “Momo nee, I don't want to eat breakfast today. Ore no passu.” He still under his blanket, continue his sleep.
Momoko continued knocking his door. “Wake up! You have to meet Unie`s parent today, remember?” she raised her voice as well as the knock.
            “Unie? Parent?” slowly he pulled down the blanket from his face. He looks at the clock on the wall.“Ah, yabai!!!” he jumped off the bed , take the towel and go to the bathroom. From outside, Momoko can heard the water from bathroom and shake her head.
            “I can't believe he actually forgot about today`s meeting.” She mumbles as goes downstairs.
30 minutes later, Yabu goes downstairs, wearing a nice dark grey suit. He don’t seem comfortable wearing the suit. Momoko who sat on the sofa smiled while Keisuke ignores his little otouto.
            “Now, are you ready? I hope we can make it on time.” His mum help Yabu with his suit. Yabu take a deep breath before nodded.
            “Is she going to be there too?” he asked.
Momoko and Keisuke giggled.
“Stop it!” he glances to his older brother and sister.
Gosh, I`m so excited yet nervous . How she will turn to be? It`s been 16 years.
            “She won't be there. Her parent said she will come back to Japan around next week.” His mother explained.
            “Are you sure she will be happy with this engagement? Besides, it`s you and her parent decide this.” He give a question mark face to his mother.
            “Un, daijoubu. Besides, we makes this decision because you and Unie have made the promise to get married when both of you grown up.” She smirked.
            “But that was 16 years ago. Now, both of us haven't meet each other for like that long and things might have change, kaa-san.” He has to admit that. A pinky swear cannot be seen as a serious promise. He is not sure if she still remember him nor their promise. He can imagine her feeling when she knows that she has to engage with him, a stranger. “Maybe she already got her own sweetheart. 16 years, is a long time, ka-san.” He tries once more.
I hope not. Wait! I should not think that way.
            “Enough, Kou-chan . It`s not my decision alone nor your dad. It`s her parent who decided it. It`s good for our relation with them. You are a popular singer, she`s a daughter of a famous and respectful diplomat. She`s born  with a silver spoon in her mouth. Your engagement will give you lots of benefits, dear. Not just for you but also for Hey!Say!JUMP.” mum leave Yabu speechless. He can’t argue when it comes to Hey!Say!Jump.
            “Come on, we don't want them to wait for us, right?” dad showed his wrist watch to his family.
Unie`s Apartment (England)
            Unie walked back and forward. She still shocked with the news she received. Amihana and Karina, her roommates stares at each other.
            “What?? Engagement? FiancĂ©?? Mama!” she raised her voice.
            “I know this is so sudden, but trust me dear, this is for your own good.”
            “This is not fair! For my own good? Did I told you already that I don’t..”
            “Enough. I do not want to hear any defiance! Your papa and I already decided. The engagement party will be held as soon you arrive Japan. Dear, this is like dream comes true. You know how much I like their family and thanks to you this relationship is going to the next level.” mama cut her words. Unie stopped talking and listen to her mother.
            “I…ok, I love you too. Send regard to papa for me.” She hangs up.
Unie throws the phone on her bed. She put both her hand to her waist, she tried to stay calm.
            “I can't believe this.” She sat at the edge of the bed, hugging Mr. Teddy.  Amihana approached her.
            “What happened? Tell us.” She hold Unie`s hand and rub it slowly. It`s hard to see her friend to be that upset. Karina nodded.
            “You can tell us your problem. We`re here.” Karina turned off her laptop and turn to her friend.
Unie look at her roommates, one at the time. She takes a breath, “My parent sets an engagement for me. When I go back to Japan, they will held the event A.S.A.P. They said it`s for my own good.” Amihana and Karina`s eyes widened open.
            “Nani??” both of them said it at the same time, surprised by the news they just received.
            “With who?” Amihana asked, showing her curious smile.
            “With my childhood friend.”
            “What? That`s pretty lame, ne?” Karina looked at Amihana. Both of them nodded.
            “Well, actually…” Unie paused. “Me and him once make a pinky swear that we`re going to get married when we grown up.” Her cheeks turned red, she pouting her lips.
It`s a pinky swear and I already forgot how he look like or his name.
            “Auw.. that`s cute! But isn’t pinky swear cannot be taken as a serious matter? You know, kids.” Karina laughed.
            “Maybe your parent is right. This maybe going to make your life better.” Amihana advise her.
            “But it has been 16 years. And I haven’t meet him since he move away. He`s like a stranger now, how am I suppose to be engaged with someone I don’t know? I`ll be sleeping with stranger. I don't want to go back.”
Karina burst a laugh. Her friend is so funny. “It just an engagement. He can't touch or doing something bad to you. He don't have the right. Besides, if he tries to hurt you, I`ll asked my Muscle Powaa guy to kick his ass!” she points to her picture frame that contain her boyfriend picture, Keito.
            “Well lucky for you. Not just you got the guy you loved but he also the member of Hey!Say!JUMP,ne?” Karina smiled and let her roommate tease her. Unie smiled but she feel strange inside. Nervous and scare but also curious.
            “Do you think Yamada knows about this?” Amihana suddenly ask about Yamada Ryosuke, Hey!Say!Jump members that closed to Unie as her brother.
            “Not yet. I don’t want to freak him out.” Unie pouted. She also wondering if he already know about this and his reaction. 

Next : Promise #2: First Meeting...

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